IPv6 Part 9: “NAT breaks applications”

One of the biggest objections to NAPT (or in fact to any form of NAT) is that it can break certain applications. This is usually because source or destination IP addresses are referenced within the application data. In order to avoid breaking these applications, a NAT device has to be able to recognise them, reach into their data and modify it to be consistent with NAT; it does this using an Application Layer Gateway (ALG).

The best known example of an application that requires this treatment is File Transfer Protocol (FTP): the FTP control protocol transmits IP addresses as ASCII text. In conventional (active) FTP, the client opens a control connection to the server, and then commands the server to connect back to its own IP address to open a data transfer connection. In fact the data transfer connection doesn’t have to be back to the client: FTP originally supported direct transfers between two remote systems without the data having to go via the client, but this File eXchange Protocol (FXP) functionality is nearly always disabled now for security reasons.

Another well-known application protocol that can have problems with NAT is Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). A SIP user agent runs both a client and a server, to initiate and receive data connections. The SIP protocol itself only handles call initiation and close: separate protocols handle the data in either direction. All this sounds complex, and it is, so a SIP ALG has to be pretty intelligent to identify which connections are related and translate all the traffic correctly.

As I pointed out in my last post, most NAT devices at the enterprise perimeter are also firewalls, and modern next-generation firewalls are reaching deeper into the application data anyway, in order to enforce enterprise policies. Such firewalls will already have intelligent ALGs for such applications. Things get trickier when application encrypt their traffic; if the application is proxy-aware, then it may be possible to insert an ALG into the architecture, but otherwise the application traffic will be opaque to the ALG on the NAT device/firewall.

What these problematic applications usually have in common is that they are not conventional client-server applications. For example FTP needed to include IP addresses within its protocol, because the FTP “client” could be managing a connection between two remote systems, so who in that case was the client? In general, with client-server applications, it’s clear which is the client and which is the server, and the application shouldn’t need to include IP addresses within its data. Moreover, most enterprises have up to now used a pretty simple network architecture in relation to the Internet: clients are allowed to make outbound connections from the corporate network, and inbound connections are usually only permitted to a DMZ. It may be that peer-to-peer Internet applications will become more important in the enterprise world in the future, in which case such architectures may have to change, but at the moment peer-to-peer applications seem to me more relevant to home or mobile networks. Client-server applications fit the centralised enterprise model better.

Tom Coffeen (see IPv6 Address Planning, chapter 2) argues that NAT emphasises the perimeter model of security, and that in a world of pervasive malware that model is no longer relevant anyway. I would argue that although there’s no longer an absolute distinction between untrusted and trusted networks, the enterprise perimeter hasn’t disappeared, it’s just that there are now different levels of trust. We need perimeters within perimeters; defence in depth is all the more necessary.

Once you start to unpick the question of NAT’s impact on applications, it’s clear that much wider issues are at stake than NAT alone, although that’s rarely spelt out by the critics of NAT. It opens up the whole question of what is a relevant secure architecture today. What is clear is that with the current level of external threat enterprises will need a compelling reason (a killer app?) to move away from their conventional application and network architectures.

In the next post I will look at NAT’s impact on IPsec.

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